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21Publish - Cooperative Publishing
Entries "March 2006":

Wednesday, March 15, 2006

Mid week thoughts

The news is just so depressing these days! I watched half the news last night then just turned it off. It seems that everywhere there are people just killing each other and fighting over all sorts of things, then theres things like global warming and so on. It makes my head spin. I wonder soemtimes if its just that we live in a world were it all seems more immediate. When my grandparents were young Iguess soemthing terrible could happen the other side of the world and it would be days befor ethey heard about it. Maybe they never would hear about it when people didnt have Televisions and radios and the internet. Did they just live in blissful ignorance then? On balance I think it s better for us knowing whats going on but it can get you down sometimes on those days when the news just all seems bad!

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